What We Believe

Our Goal

To present the good news of Christ’s gospel in an understandable way, so that all who attend here might come to know God’s love for them. We want people to learn how to become a born-again child of God through faith in the saving grace of God by way of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary. It is our hope that those who hear the gospel of Christ through our ministry will want to submit to the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ by being willing to confess their faith in Christ, repent of their former style of life, be obedient in Christian baptism and then lead a godly life in service through the local church.

Our Mission Statement:
Making and maturing disciples until Christ returns

Our Position

We Seek:

  1. The restoration of the church as revealed in the New Testament.
  2. Through this restoration, to unite all men in one body in Christ.
  3. To hold as essential to salvation the same matters of faith and practice which were required in the primitive church; to make the terms of fellowship identical with those of the apostolic church.
  4. To exalt Christ above party, and His Word above all human creeds.
  5. To build a church of Christ without denominational name, man-made creed, or other barrier to Christian unity.
  6. To lead sinners to Christ in the clear light of the New Testament teaching and example.

We have no book but the Bible, no creed but Christ, no name but the Divine, no plea but the Gospel, no basis of unity but the Scriptural. In essentials we appeal to the New Testament for unity; in opinions we allow the largest liberty; and in all things seek to exhibit charity (love).